What Time Does Big Lots Open Today

As we know many peoples want to know about What Time Does Big Lots Open today online. It’s important to keep in mind that store’s operating hours change depending on the time of year, so it’s essential to keep close tab on them and call ahead to confirm hours of operation on weekdays, weekends, and holidays.

In this table we shared opening & closing times or What Time Does Big Lots Open

What Time Does Big Lots Open Hours Opening Hours Closing Hours
Monday 9:00 A.M 4:00 P.M
Tuesday 9:00 A.M 4:00 P.M
Wednesday 9:00 A.M 4:00 P.M
Thursday 9:00 A.M 4:00 P.M
Friday 9:00 A.M 4:00 P.M
Saturday 9:00 A.M 1:00 P.M

Is big Lots open on holidays?

The majority of Big Lots! stores generally stay open on the following holidays, though reduced hours may apply: The majority of Big Lots! stores are closed for business on the following holidays: What time does Big Lots! open?

What is the history of Big Lots?

The roots of Big Lots can be traced back to founder Sol Shenk and his Consolidated Stores corporation in 1967. Sol had noticed that closeout stores were the next big thing in the economy and decided to open his first store called Odd Lots in 1982.

What are the typical hours of operation for a grocery store?

These are the typical hours of operation, though the exact times can vary from location to location: Monday to Sunday Hours. Commonly, stores open later than normal and close earlier than normal on major holidays, such as Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day and New Years Day.


So hope you know all the details regarding What Time Does Big Lots Open opening & closing timing 2022. You’ll have absolutely clear understanding of What Time Does Big Lots Open on usual weekday, weekend, and holiday days, after the article. Let’s move on to learn more about the matter.

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